Latest sy0-601 dumps [2022] CompTIA Security+ Exam
Lead4Pas provides updated CompTIA SY0-601 dumps for CompTIA Security+ Exam preparation in VCE learning engine and pdf format. And provide free SY0-601 exam questions.
What is the CompTIA Security+ certification exam?
Vendor: CompTIA
Exam Code: SY0-601
Exam Name: CompTIA Security+ 2022
Certification: CompTIA Security+
Number of Questions: Maximum of 90 questions
Type of Questions: Multiple choice and performance-based
Length of Test: 90 minutes
Passing score: 750 (on a scale of 100-900)
Languages: English, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Portuguese
Price: $381 USD
SY0-601 dumps: (640 Q&A)
Why use exam2pass SY0-601 dumps?
- Free updates throughout the year, effective immediately (365 days Free Update)
- Covers all CompTIA Security+ practical exam questions and answers with explanations of difficult problems
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